Sunday, November 07, 2004

church and other Sunday stuff...

Well, today is the first Sunday that we are not having a morning service and I am loving it!!! I got to sleep in til 10am (usually I am up and out of the house by 7:45 at the latest) and now I get to just chill for a while instead of going straight to "work" setting up.... I do have to be at the church at 2pm (4 hours before the service starts) but I can handle that... I am way excited about this change... Alot of things could work togather to make this a really GREAT thing... I guess we will just see how things go tonite. I wonder how having the service at night is going to change the dinamic of things? anyway, as for the other normal Sunday stuff, Lunch will be turned into dinner, and small groups will... well, I am not really sure what our small group is going to do right now.... we are just going to wait and see I guess.... well, I am going to go relax now....

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