Saturday, September 25, 2004

Almost Sunday...

Sunday is always weird for me... I do go to church, mostly because I have found the rare church that isn't just a building but it is a group of people that, for the most part, care about each other, more than on occasion... Now I recognize that many people find this hard to belive but just trust me on this one... Anyways that isn't why it is so weird... The real reason it is so weird is because I always have some sort of revilation about myself that makes me think alittle more than usual... see all week I am a mom, I am constantly suronded by the sights and sounds of the little people, but on sunday I am a normal human being that is capable of normal adult, human conversation... If you aren't a mom you probally don't understand and that is okay.... but when there is only one day a week that you feel normal, something BIG always happens... There is always somthing life changing that is going on when you get the oppertunity to feel like a normal person... anyway, that is why sunday is always an adventure for me...

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