Thursday, April 07, 2005

only 17 hours til I leave

I leave for CA in 17 hours!!!! I have started packing!!! still have alot to do though.... the little ppl are greatly hindering my packing abilities... so I am going to be keeping you all updated on the trip here in my lovely blog. there will be pics (or at links to pics) and stories of all the fun. Friday we will just be resting from the flight (we have to get up at 4am) but Saturday we will be off to disney so there will be fun pics!!! and we will be seeing the Wiggles Live on sunday, so there will be pics of Austrialian guys acting goofy! it will be so fun, and I will do my best to make you all feel like you are there with us. I am sure you will all be awaiting word on our daily adventure.... I must finish packiing NOW

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