Wednesday, March 16, 2005

seems to be the thing to do

so talking about the Scott Peterson verdict seems to be the thing to do, so I shall jump on the wagon... in case you have been leading a more of a sheltered life than me, he was sentenced to death today... my emotional side says kill the a**hole.... I mean he killed his wife and their child.... if he doesn't deserve death who does.... and then there is another part of me says that no one deserves death for anything, and he should be given a chance to repent and we should show him the grace and love that God showed us.... I am still so torn over the whole deth penalty issue...

1 comment:

Tree said...

It is so hard to see SP as God sees him during this time. I am torn as well, even though I have long been against the death penalty. Times like these usually lead me to think that God sees people like we do, as vile and repulsive. Yet, we know that God can never love us any more or less than God loves us already. That doesn't mean that God approves of all that we do, though. Our justice demands the blood of SP, and that is probably what it will come to, I am glad for God's justice, which, I really believe, will look like love when all is said and done.