Let me start my saying that most days I love being a mom and I love being able to stay home with my adorable little girls, but there are the occasional days that I dream about doing other things…. Getting out and being someone else… that is what this is about….
Being a mom is tough work…. I should know because that has been my primary occupation for the past 4 plus years….you don’t get sick days, or vacations… you have to be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year… when you do happen to go away you can’t help but feel guilty about leaving, and in the back of your mind you know when you get home you will have to work twice as hard to get life back to the way it was before you left… Unless you die you work… now I know there are a lot of ppl that think being a mom isn’t work at all, you just play all day long and then you go to sleep only to wake up the next morning to do it all again… YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WRONG YOU ARE!!! Mom’s are not only the caregivers for the children at home the are also the disciplinarians during the day, the cook, the maid, the story teller, the chauffer, the all purpose what ever you need lady…. And when you aren’t doing one of those things you are thinking about doing those things…. No matter how sick or tired or stressed out you may be by the rest of life you have to go on because if you don’t, if won’t get done… if it doesn’t get done, then someone calls child protective services on you and your precious little ones are given to someone more competent than you…. This is way more stressful than being the CEO of a company, you can always get a new job, but you can’t always get back your little ones…. And one of the worst things is there is very rarely a thank you or anything…. At least in your everyday stressful job you get a compensation at the end of the week, not to mention a day off. But here as a mom you get nothing… you get none of the respect of someone that has gone to school, gotten a degree, and nice day job. You get none of the perks that go with leaving your work at work and your home at home. But occasionally you get a slobbery kiss or a hug from little arm… it almost makes up for all the rest…
*sigh* thus mommyhood is not for me :( but i do wonder what prompted that post.
I know how you feel, even though i have only been doing it for a little over a year.
Why do we as humans have to question everything? Maybe nothing prompted her post. Maybe she was just stressed out and wanted a day off. Maybe it was a series of unrelated events that would take much longer to explain than she care to spend. Do we really need to know?
yes, yes we do. had i not felt that i wanted to know i would not have said that i had wondered.
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