Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Top Story?????

so I am confused and need help understanding this... Why is it that the most important thing they could find to be the "Top Story" on the news at 10pm was Ole Miss getting a new head coach? is it just me or is that really the most important thing that happened today? I almost chopped my finger off, maybe that can be tomorrow's top story... I just find it somewhat silly that on the 30 min news broadcast they spent almost half of their time talking about this guy... maybe it was a slow news day... or maybe ppl in MS just have their priorities all screwed up... so yeah... I am done ranting now...


Jedi Master Deba Sing said...

Well, squishy has little bite like thingies all over. I think they may be an allergic reaction, but I am not positive. I have to give him benadryl, and if that doesn't work we have to take him to the doc. There is your top story! And it is true.

mistic_mommy said...

way better than footbal coaches and such...