Friday, January 21, 2005

I am going to do something weird....

so I just thought I would tell you all about the what I am going to do on Sunday.... I am going to get all dressed up, and go to a traditional church... I am guessing that it is probably going to be full of old ppl singing hymns... Now I have nothing against old ppl that sing hymns, that just isn't my style... so WHY, you ask, am I going to do this.... well it is all in the name of friendship... See I have this friend that I haven't seen in almost 10yrs that is now the minister of music at this church... so I thought I would drive out there (Edwards) and see him... now I'm not 100% sure it is him but I am almost there so I thought I would just drop in and enjoy the service, get out of my comfort zone for a little bit and hope that it is him and we can catch up a bit...

other than that we will be going to Forest tomorrow and getting some more stuff from the in-laws... oh the fun.... and we are going to get catlin's first hair cut tomorrow too... that will be an adventure I am sure but it has to be done... as she won't let us put anythin in it and it is in her eyes all the time...

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